(www.PRIASIA.ORG) –  “Plant  it forward”


  1. www.PermacultureInstituteAsia.com
  2. www.PermacultureInstituteAsia.com
  3.  www.PRIAsia.org
  4. www.PermacultureInstituteThailand.org
  5. Green Bangkok
  6. Bamboo Forum of Thailand
  7. www.PermacultureAsia.com
  8. www.WWOOFThailand.com
  9. Eco Tours Thailand
  10. www.SDGGoals.net
  11. http://www.Permaculture.global
Bill Mollison co-founder of Permaculture            Howard Story Founder CEO of Permaculture Asia

We support and align with –  “Poverty is Caused by a Failure of Ethics, Not Economy

Dr Jeffery Sachs – Center of sustainable Development – Sunway Univeristy  – macroeconomics and sustainable development


We provide – Courses, Internships, Farm/Land design and  Consulting in  Sustainable Development

Our teaching site is a working demonstration rice farm that promotes organic sustainable regenerative agriculture, using new technologies and Agricultural Heritage Systems for food security with Regenerative agriculture and applied biodiversity. Founded in 2009, Permaculture Institute Asia (PIA) runs a Permaculture Research Farm and home-stay in Issan, Thailand. Our goal is poverty alleviation thru innovation and technology. We educate and build out regenerative, holistic food security capacity in Asia. Our courses are designed to suit the reality of smallholders and family farmers, and to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and negative impacts on society and the environment by imitating nature and learning and researching new methods of food security and from local agro-ecological knowledge. Growing food on a small scale plays a critical role in improving nutrition at community and household levels. Through growing a greater diversity of crops, including new crops, under-exploited traditional food crops, thru home and school gardens, a nutritionally broader diet can be achieved, and food can be available over long periods.

We cultivate many species in our newly established agro-forestry system, a beginning productive tropical food forest. We use rice-fish, rice-livestock, rice-duck and rice-vegetable systems and use residues to refertilize these systems.  Also Integrated Pest Management, Trees Outside Forests , and Agricultural Heritage Systems, Mapping Systems and Permaculture design and agroecology techniques. The Analysis and Mapping of Impacts under Climate change for Adaptation and Food security (AMICAF). In our Bio-dynamic organic garden we produce healthy organic food daily for our table. Our consulting builds and fine-tunes small farms and agro-ecological systems that conserves natural resources, support the surrounding ecosystem in a regenerative symbiosis, providing valuable ecological services such as carbon sequestration, soil and water retention, and the creation of wildlife habitat.

PIA also serves as a genetic seed bank for indigenous species and a buffer zone to the adjacent farms and ecosystems. We are powering more by renewable energy, and our water is pumped from a pond using photo-voltaic panels.  We are also work with local communities installing village level photo-voltaic pumps.

Also see our sister organization  Permaculture Institute Thailand , Permaculture Thailand along with affiliates (PRI Asia, Permaculture Institute Thailand, PRI Australia, Permies.com USA)  are committed to breaking through the barriers that have stood in the way.

We invite you to come and explore this farm stay site to learn about the exciting new options to engage with this resilience building, sustainable movement.

We host interns each January for one or two month internships for individuals, students, groups and volunteers. We work with local NGO/CBO’s, provide training in Permaculture, renewable energy, sustainable development and host an annual Permaculture Design Course (usually in January of each year in Thialand, Onein May in USA and one in October in Canada) . We are committed to promoting applied biological diversity as a means of ensuring food security, and replicating ecological services of primary forest in complex agro-forestry systems.


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If you are a passionate and creative person, who is not afraid to discover what it takes to make a difference, help fix the mess greedy humanity has perpetrated on nature and planet Earth, then we invite you to join us.  “only when people live differently will society be different”.

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In alignment with the UN Sustainable development Goals (SDG) and creating a “Ecological Civilization”  We will perish in the pursuit of money or prosper in the pursuit of a life that maintains a healthy balance between humans and the generative systems by which the Earth continuously renews itself.

The fact is the world economy is remarkably unequal and also remarkably threatening to Earth itself. Humanity depends on nature for food and water, materials for survival, and safety from environmental threats as natural catastrophe and epidemics. For a species that depends on these environmental services we are not protecting the base of our own survival ….the planet and nature. The world economy is causing a gigantic environmental crisis, one that threatens the lives and well-being of billions of people and all other species on the planet. We provide solutions and alternatives thru practical hands on work and discussion of; circular economies, sustainable design, resilient alliances, regenerative agriculture,permaculture design, natural building, regenerative culture, holistic and systemic thinking.



Our courses in International Permaculture Design


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For contact email our Head Instructor at permiesAsia@gmail.com

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Do more than take a trip  join us for a once in a lifetime adventure in rural Thailand. It will help you develop your sense of contribution and life….. courses, internships and rural adventures in Asia     PERMACULTURE  INSTITUTE ASIA  COURSES    and  WWOOF  THAILAND  cultural farm-stays and volunteering.  In alliance with PRI Asia and Thailand Resilience Center.

 In memory of Bill Mollison 1928 – 2016 co-founder Permaculture