We opened our doors in 2012 converting a traditional Thai rice paddy family farm into an education and demonstration site. Reconstructing the local ecosystem (regen agriculture) and the natural world, we dedicated ourselves to creating a better community, environment and planet.  Investing in resilience and food security helps fight hunger, builds local economies and sustains peace.
Our organization Permaculture Institute Thailand (PIT) provides  simple yet powerful education through the Thailand King’s projects, Permaculture design courses, Natural farming, Natural buildings, experiential youth programs and onsite integrated working, plant, animal, tree soil and aquatic ecosystems.  We produce over 85% of our own food. Our practices are appropriate to our rural, tropical, environment; they are replaceable and reproducible, and embody competencies and philosophical tenants which are also applicable in all regions of the world in their foundation.  Our programs reach a cross-generational, cross-cultural audience and are accessible to a range of demographics.

Our dynamic community encompasses the people of our region, the farm intern team, and many of the people that participate in our varied courses and programs.  Our core family team is able to provide for itself through agricultural, food-based, building, and educational activities, which simultaneously create and strengthen a viable web of local economies and healthy, sustainable, products and services.  Our own financial livelihoods both contribute to and are dependent upon these local economies.   The farm provides its local staff with secure, paying jobs, educational opportunities, and a caring workplace.  A organized financial structure allows us to make fiscal decisions that support our members and community while preparing for an increasingly challenging global environment.

Permaculture Institute Asia and Thailand takes into consideration environmental concerns from a personal to a global perspective and develops models, techniques, and solutions that are regenerative, regionally appropriate, and maintainable. We are committed to sourcing our food and building materials locally while maximizing the utility of our diversified farm.  We promote community resiliency by supporting regional efforts to assure clean water, healthy food, fertile agricultural land, and safe, naturally constructed buildings.

Self care is an essential part of community health.  We strive to balance work, play, and personal time, and develop social structures and feedback systems that generate strong positive interpersonal relationships and overall community well-being.

We provide a space where individuals can come to learn about the importance of living more responsibly while offering an important economic injection to the small community where we decided to call home.  The farm  has touched the lives of hundreds of people in ways that have inspired them to become better citizens of our world.  We currently host workshops in an array of areas such as natural building, renewable energy, and permaculture and annually receive dozens of dynamic middle school, high school, college and university students who come to learn about responsible community development, the importance of the world’s rainforests, and how to tread lighter on Mother Earth.
The bustling farm environment has been a laboratory of social betterment and learning while playing a critical role in the financial improvement of this little corner of Thailand.  We work hard and play even harder as we endeavor to strike a balance that allows us to be both compassionate and happy while laboring to improve the state of our world’s affairs.  The pervasive exchange of wisdom, creativity, guidance and love that takes place at the farm is what helps to drive us to be good stewards of our surroundings.  With that said few would doubt that it’s the amazing Thai cuisine that flows out of the farms kitchen that truly inspires, fuels and allows it all to happen.  Without the healthy, mouthwatering, homemade food that magically appears out of our small kitchen three times a day, I would now be writing a much different story.

Scrumptious, wholesome food comes at almost any cost.  Food is the centerpiece of life at the farm.  It brings us together and sustains us thrice daily.  Everyone that spends time with us can be comforted after a well-earned night’s rest or a hard morning’s or afternoon’s work by knowing that soon they will be sitting down to a delectable, filling and life-giving communal meal.  And as is so often the case during Ranch meals, the conversation can be as stimulating as the culinary spread.  It is commonly a magical combination.

Our first farm project ever was to build a organic food garden. With the help of our first volunteers.   We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has passed through our doors to contribute to our work and the well being of our community.  As much of a challenge as it’s been at times, we have lived a blessed life in Thailand thanks to you all.  Swadi Krup and Jai Di !


INVESTING IN CHANGE, investing in nutrient safe and dense foods, building healthy soil bioms, helathy people eating healthy foods, grown in a clean soil in a clean community creating a clean healthy world.  JOIN US

———— —- –   SEE our COURSES Page   ——————